Tuesday, February 27, 2018


Church Arise! celebrates the grace of God that helped Billy Graham through his life and ministry without his denying his faith or getting involved in any scandal, despite the great stature and influence that God granted him. There’s certainly no need doing an obituary in this newsletter, and those interested in some biography of Rev Graham could find various angles on the internet.  For instance here
    Without any doubt, we believe (just like we wrote concerning Ariel Sharon’s death and the Jewish nation, see Vol 16 qtr 4), that Dr Graham’s departure from here also has a definite prophetic meaning for the gentile world to which he was sent.
      We are therefore happy to share the message below, attributed simply to “Messenger” from Benin City (Edo State, Nigeria) sharing some credible prophetic insight into the event.  Hope you are refreshed as you read through with discernment.

“In 2012, the Lord said to me that He was keeping Billy Graham alive as a sign to this generation. He said that he represented Methuselah to our present generation. I also repeated this in 2015 and December 2017 where I declared it in a  prophetic meeting.
     On 21-2-18 someone who heard me say this in 2015 sent me a text that Billy Graham was dead. I prayed a simple prayer and asked the Lord what this means to this generation. Perhaps He may want to expatiate on the word He gave in 2012.
     I woke up this morning (22-2-18)  with the word of the Lord on this matter. Thus saith the Lord:
Billy Graham’s death signifies a continental shift in My Global Calendar for the Nations.
     It signifies the end of the Era of America’s global witness to the world.
     It shows that the season of Ham is fully come and to the Hamites led by Nigeria (Pisonia) have I committed the Era of the Gospel of the Kingdom (See Matt.24:14) as distinct from the Evangelical/ Pentecostal Gospel championed by America.
     The re-alignment of the stars (Gen.15:5) will bring about shifts and changes in government. I will break the Toga of Nimrod and occultism over Africa and raise a new generation of leaders in the mold of David that will be My light to the nations and through whom I will give impetus to the Era of Africa’s Global witness to the Nations.
     Just like Methuselah’s death released My hand to bring a flood that swept away an era of corruption and unrighteousness and brought about a new era of hope to mankind, Billy Graham’s death will bring about the same landmark.
     A flood is coming but not of waters but of swift changes that will sweep away corrupt people, systems and institutions including religious systems, governments and institutions that are built on the culture of Nimrod to be replaced by institutions that will be built on Covenants, Vows and Sacrifice.
Even NOW, Nigeria will see a firstfruit of these changes.
     Son, declare this to the Nations – A continental shift has occurred: The season of Ham (Africa) is fully come and it will no longer be business as usual.
@ 3.03am, 22-2-18
Messenger – Benin City.

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