Thursday, August 1, 2013

EDITORIAL: CA! Now to be published Quarterly

For a while, the paper version of CA! has not come out.  This is due to a combination of factors.  Apart from the usual spiritual challenges, which we all know will only intensify as the Day approaches, there have been other challenges/restraints.  As many of us are now aware,  CA! is essentially one man sharing his perspectives and encouragements with fellow Christian brothers and sisters.  As we understand it, these perspectives are to be those of a “normal” (as Watchman Nee would probably say), regular Christian, conscious of the end times.  This entails having a credible engagement in the market place, and a regular commitment in a local church.  In other words, CA!, at least for now, is not meant to be a “full-time” engagement in the usual sense of the expression.
While this position has clearly helped our perspectives to be broad and balanced (we preach what we experience and practice), it also has inevitable strong implications on the time resources available to us.  Therefore when sometimes in December last year, the Lord impressed it upon my heart to prepare and present my professorial inaugural lecture at the University where I work (within a five-month period), together with an ordered compilation of past editions of CA! into three volumes, it was inevitable that the regular production of  Church Arise! would be affected – both due to time and financial factors.
The LORD has been most wonderful in His faithfulness.  The inaugural lecture has been successfully prepared and delivered (on April 9, 2013), and the Trilogy (Behold I come quickly) launched on the same day.  However, while the paper version of CA! was inevitably affected by these special assignments, the real kernel of CA! continued on-line on the internet.  For instance, though we were not able to come out with a print version of the last edition for last year (Vol 15 No 6), it is available on our website for free download as usual.  Likewise, since the beginning of this year, though no volume has been compiled, we continue to post relevant articles onto our blog (www.churcharise\  We are grateful to God for the several thousand visitors to these on-line resources, though we are aware that several of our high-prized readers do not really have time or inclination to go on-line to pick their information!
Now that the special projects are concluded, we are compiling these online articles into regular newsletter versions, even as back issues.  However, the future of communication is Internet, and to ensure sustainability of both the paper and on-line media - within the context of resources available to us, we have come to the conclusion to revise the periodicity of the newsletter from bi-monthly, to quarterly.  This means the newsletter will now be prepared only four times in a year, instead of the six times we have prepared it yearly from 1998 to 2012.  We will however put more focus on online resources, and will increase the frequency of updating these resources.  The newsletter will be summaries of key articles from both our website and in particular the blog.
Please note that we have been streaming news items directly from Worthy news ( ) on our site ( for years. This, in addition to links to hundreds of other christian sites and critical end-time resources thus guarantee you a fruitful visit anytime you checked our sites. Please go ahead and pay us a visit today!
To the glory of the almighty God, newsletters for Quarters 1 and 2 of 2013 are now ready and are hereby being served.  Enjoy and be stimulated!
To download free copies of Behold I come quickly, go  to
You can order print copies , directly from us for N1,500 per book (postage included within Nigeria)
Our first book, The Time is Fulfilled is out of print, but is also available on our website for free download.

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