Friday, May 18, 2012


Our God is not like any god known to man. Those that compare God with idols or make a visage to represent Him make a terrible mistake. Isaiah 40:18, He asks: “To whom then will ye liken God? Or what likeness will ye compare unto him?”

One attribute that sets God apart from any other thing imaginable to man is His holiness. This attribute is so unique that in the throne room of heaven it is constantly being declared (Revelations 4:8). It is amazing that because of the love with which He loves us He wants this unique attribute to be reflected in our lives as His children (Hebrews 12:10). Holiness sets us apart and makes us peculiar. If you profess to live a holy life and yet your holiness does not make you positively different, that holiness is questionable.

You are called to be different. You are called to shine forth as light in the midst of a crooked generation. This is why you are peculiar to God (1Peter 2:9). How different are you? If your life radiates His light, there is hardly anything you will desire that you will not get. It is through Jesus we have access to all that God provides for us. In light of this, Christians who rush out to work or school in the morning without praying, ought to be pitied as they are losing a key anchor for that day. Each time you begin your day with the Lord, your day’s success would have been settled ever before leaving home. Those that wait on Him realize that success is far simpler and cheaper through waiting on Him than when you go in your power. Leaving your house without fellowshipping with God shows that He is not relevant in your life. God does not like to be ignored, which is why it is those who recognize Him that end up being recognized. How God-dependent are you?

Pastor Enoch A. Adeboye (From Open Heavens Devotional reading for Monday 13th February, 2012)

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